Week 3 of Focus 52. This was the most enjoyable project yet - I'm sensing a pattern here, they're becoming more & more enjoyable for me to do. Why? No pressure. :)
This is on an 8 x 10 background. Painted w/blue denim acrylics, then I added various types of material for the background. The newspaper article that says "Gay Festival" is from 1951 (if you look closely, you may be able to see the date) and it was for something that my Grandmother was participating in. Although she was from Mexico, she was VERY involved in the community of Los Angeles & had a beautiful voice; she died before I was born, but using pieces of things that were part of her life, helps me feel a connection to her. I used paint over the card stock & other paper backgrounds, then I overlayed all that with white tissue paper. After the tissue paper dried, I tore thru parts of it so the background was visible. Then I simply made a vase with flowers - all of tissue paper, and added some colorful paper at the bottom, darkened it a bit & done! Like I said, this was a lot of fun & relaxing.
I may be away from my computer for the next few weeks, so I more than likely won't be participating in week 4 & 5 of Focus 52, but I will catch up when I return! So, if you leave a comment & it doesn't post, it's not because I don't want it there, it's because I'm away & all comments need to be approved (thanks to spammers).
Original date: 1/22/2011
**This piece is now for sale on my Etsy site for $13.50 (plus shipping).
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